Webrex SEO Optimizer

Google Site Map Issues : How do I get my pages indexed or sitemapped on Google Search Console?

This article shares an idea about how merchants can indexed or site-mapped on the Google search console.

Sanjay Makasana
Written by Sanjay MakasanaLast update 9 months ago

If your schema is fixed, you can ask Google to put your pages in a queue to be reindexed. This can take anywhere between a few days to a month.
You can use the Google URL Inspection tool (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289#request_indexing) to submit individual URLs to the Google index.

If you have large numbers of URLs, you should submit a sitemap instead.: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6065812#sitemap

You must take this step so that Google knows about your updated schema and can start showing your rich snippets. 

Note: If the merchant has a Premium plan and Google Search console Integrated with Webrex SEO Optimizer then the merchant can submit the site map directly from our app. To Know more check the article on Integrate Google Search Console with Webrex SEO Optimizer.

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