Webrex SEO Optimizer

Selecting Your Website on Our App: A Guide to Google Search Console Integration with Full Ownership Access

Let's talk about how you can choose your website on Google Search Console. There are three important things to remember:

Arpan Juneja
Written by Arpan JunejaLast update 8 months ago

Selecting Your Website in Our App's Google Search Console Section: Key Steps and Mandatory Points to Note:
First, to select your website on our app under Google Search Console, ensure you sign in using the same Google account you used to access your original Google Search Console. Once signed in successfully, you'll be able to choose the website within our app's Google Search Console interface

Make sure to note you have the SC Domain.

  1. Your website should be listed as sc-domain
    .com, and it should have these formats:




  2. Your website address on Shopify should match the one on Google Search Console.

    Keeping these three things in mind will help ensure your website is properly set up on the Google Search Console

    Let's simplify: If your Shopify website domain begins with https://www.example.com/, then your Google Search Console should also start with www. Similarly, if your Shopify domain starts with http://example.com/, your Google Search Console address should match that format. This ensures full ownership access, so both should have the same compulsory in the above three formats highlighted in point number 1 followed by the sc domain

    Shopify Domain Screenshot:

    Google Search Console Account Screenshot:

    In the screenshot above, you'll notice that both the Shopify domain and the Google Search Console account domain are in the same format, preceded by 'https'.This alignment is mandatory to ensure that both platforms have the same format, as per Google permissions. This consistency allows you to seamlessly access and utilize the Google Search Console account options within our app.

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