How do I implement schema markup on my website?
To implement schema markup, simply enable the required settings and input the necessary information in the config section of our webapp, ensuring you activate the embeds first to allow us to add the widget to your theme. Once completed, we will handle the hardcoding of schema into your theme’s backend, eliminating the need for you to manually manage the technical process.
To get started, simply enable the embeds feature in the configuration section of our web app. Once activated, we'll be able to integrate the widget that automatically adds the necessary code into your theme, enabling schema markup on your website.
Next, head to the configuration section where you can enable and configure each schema to suit your needs.
Enter the required information in each field as prompted. It’s essential to complete the entire setup process in the configuration section, ensuring no information is overlooked.
We take care of embedding all the schema data directly into your theme’s backend, eliminating the need for you to handle this complex and time-consuming task manually.
How to add schema to your website manually?
1. Identify Relevant Schema Types
Determine which schema types align with your content. Common examples include:
Article: For news articles or blog posts.
Product: For product pages.
Recipe: For recipe content.
Event: For event listings.
FAQ: For pages with frequently asked questions.
A comprehensive list is available at
2. Choose a Schema Markup Format
Schema markup can be implemented using:
JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data): Recommended by Google for its simplicity and ease of implementation.
Microdata: Embeds schema within HTML tags.
RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes): Adds metadata using HTML5 attributes.
JSON-LD is preferred due to its ease of use and separation from HTML content.
3. Generate Schema Markup
Utilize tools to create accurate schema markup:
Google's Structured Data Markup Helper: Assists in generating markup by highlighting page elements.
Merkle's Schema Markup Generator: Offers a user-friendly interface for various schema types.
For a product page, JSON-LD markup might look like:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Product",
"name": "Executive Anvil",
"image": "",
"description": "Sleek and stylish anvil for the modern blacksmith.",
"sku": "0446310786",
"mpn": "925872",
"brand": {
"@type": "Brand",
"name": "Acme"
"offers": {
"@type": "Offer",
"url": "",
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"price": "119.99",
"priceValidUntil": "2024-11-06",
"itemCondition": "",
"availability": ""
4. Add Markup to Your Website
Insert the generated JSON-LD script into the <head> or <body> section of your HTML document. Ensure it's placed correctly to avoid errors.
5. Validate Your Markup
Before publishing, validate your schema to ensure it's error-free:
Google's Rich Results Test: Checks if your page supports rich results.
Schema Markup Validator: Validates the structure and syntax of your schema.
6. Monitor Performance
After implementation, monitor your site's performance:
Google Search Console: Provides insights into how your pages perform in search results and highlights any issues with structured data.
By following these steps, you can effectively implement schema markup, enhancing your site's search engine visibility and user engagement.
When implementing JSON-LD schema markup on your website, it's recommended to place the <script> tag containing the JSON-LD code within the <head> section of your HTML document. This placement ensures that search engines can efficiently locate and process the structured data. However, if necessary, you can also include the JSON-LD script within the <body> section. Search engines are capable of parsing JSON-LD scripts located in either section. For optimal performance and adherence to best practices, placing the JSON-LD script in the <head> section is advisable.
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